Oh, so you’re a cat person?

Do you love cats and everything that has to do with cats?

Do you want to squish them and kiss them and tell them you miss them?

Do you want to see cats and free cats (from shelters) and make everyone EL OH VEE EE cats?

If you’re like me, then you want everything to be about cats.

And if you’re here, I’m guessing you probably do too.

Hi, I'm Suz!

Let me tell you a little bit about why I started the club.

In 2023, I left my 9-5 to chase my dreams.

Growing up my dad always advised me to work hard, but also to do something that I loved to do. I had worked many different jobs from retail to corporate to hospo, but never really found something I was passionate about. And so I kept my dad's advice close and kept searching until I came up with the idea of Teef Club.

As I began building Teef Club and exploring the cute cat stuff scene online, I found a lot of artists and creators who spent their time chasing their dreams

Seeing so many people take risks to pursue their dreams and do what they love inspired me and felt relatable. It clicked to me that I should use this platform to support others in doing what they love - and I could do this through our shared love for cats.

Finally in January 2024, I tied my love for cats with the idea that everyone should do what they love and launched Teef Club.

Up until today I’ve reached out and spoken to many artists who have created pieces inspired by cats. My dream is to create a platform for them to help their work reach more cat people so they can continue doing what they love for a living.

Over the last year and well into the future you’ll have seen and will see me sharing pieces made by artists and creatives who have been inspired by cats.

Teef Club is still growing but already it has given me purpose and I appreciate all of you who continue to support me ♥️ It really means more to me than you could ever imagine.

So thank you and it’s so nice to meet you! I hope one day we could live in a world where we don’t just show up to work because it pays our bills but because it feeds our hearts and fulfils our dreams 🌟

Join the Club!